150.0 .1 Over Goal

OK, OK, I have to do a better job keeping the weight off. Eating fajitas when I am so close to the top of my goal range was a bad idea. Fajitas are my favorite, though...

I gained .4 pounds yesterday. I did more than the usual exercise of walking a mile, but not much more. I took an additional walk of once around the park, or about a third of a mile. It was hot yesterday, what can I say.

Here is what I ate, and I loved the fajitas! :)

Special K with blueberries and organic soy milk
El Monterey beef and bean burrito with salsa
Raw baby carrots
2 homemade chicken fajitas burritos
1 serving of peanut M&Ms (1/4 cup)
Apple with chunky peanut butter and dark chocolate chips

I probably could have skipped the apple. I had it late in the evening, just before bed, which is a bad idea.

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