149.6 Unauthorized Use of Fire Hydrant in Spokane Valley

Yesterday, I noticed these new stickers on all the local fire hydrants: "Unauthorized use of this fire hydrant is prohibited." Unfortunately, while I was reading the sticker, my dogs thought of a use for the hydrant that I am not sure is authorized. I hope I don't get in trouble. I am posting this picture to document that they did not actually touch the hydrant, disable it, or consume any of the water. I hope these extenuating circumstances are enough to exonerate me, as the dogs' owner.

See this page for my previous documentation of my dogs' activities in the region.

There were lots of kids in the park yesterday, so I took the dogs up the hill instead. They really love going up there and smelling all the wild things' scents on all the plants. I went 50 feet up from the first fork in the trail. I wasn't really tired, either, but I hadn't brought any water and it was hot, so we turned around.

I gained .4 pounds yesterday. I think my late night snack did me in, and it would have been a loss day if not for that. For exercise, I walked the dogs up the hill and I shopped at Wal-mart in the air conditioning in the hottest part of the afternoon. I'm no dummie! Here's what I ate:

Small bowl of Special K, organic soy milk, and blueberries
1/4 cup peanut M&Ms

El Monterey beef and bean burrito with salsa
Apple with 2 T chunky peanut butter and 36 dark chocolate chips

Hamburger patty, 1 T BBQ sauce, raw baby carrots
1/4 cup peanut M&Ms

Late night snack:
2 slices of wheat toast with 2 tablespoons chunky peanut butter

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