147.2 Walking in the Woods

Oreo and I walked up the hill and into the woods near where we live yesterday, for the first time this year. It is beautiful up there. This is part of the reason we moved to Washington. There are trees! It's green! That seems like a silly want, unless you are a desert rat, like me.

In the Los Angeles desert, all the pictures on my walls were of the ocean and rivers, water in every form. I had plans of getting green carpet so it would look like grass. It's nice that it hardly ever freezes there, but the price is too high. If you want grass it costs a fortune to water it. All the water comes hundreds of miles in the aqueduct from Hoover Dam.

Anyway, Oreo and I had a nice three-mile walk yesterday, partly up hill. I gained 1.2 pounds, though. It was probably the ice cream and pie from the 4th catching up with me. That is OK. I prepared for that by losing ahead of time, so I am still within my weight-loss goal of 145 to 149.9! Here is what I ate yesterday:

1/4 of an apple pie from Shari's Cafe and Pie of Spokane
Bean and cheese burrito with salsa
Steamed carrots and half a can of Amy's organic lentil soup
2 Small sliced Gala apples candied with peanut butter and dark chocolate chips
Handful of peanut M&Ms

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